You Make Robots Blog

Keeping Retro Computers Alive!

zx spectrum

After taking onboard some feedback from the retro community I have redesigned the ZX-Frankenstein so the joystick port is on the top of the device instead of trailing across the keyboard. For me it wasn’t a biggy as most Kempston Joystick adapters were configured in this way. I thought it was an easy fix but delayed the real sales push of the device. If you look at the advert for it you’ll notice there is another version sat next to the main unit… I’ll tell you all about that one next time 🙂 .. for now head over to the store to check it out click HERE

This is a nice video of TJ demonstrating the ZX-Frankenstein . Early mode and still work in progress because in the next iteration I’m moving the joystick port to the top. For those who just cannot wait to get one I now include an angle adapter so the joystick cable is pointing upwards and doesn’t trail across the keyboard. Nice video nonetheless.

Nice unboxes video by TJ Ferreira with lots of goodies from You Make Robots. We like to support retro channels. Below are a few of the other Retro Channels we have supports:

  • Phil Kruman
  • Retro Robbins
  • Chris’s Retro Corner
  • The Retro Shack

But back to TJ… Thomas makes me laugh and he is a true Speccy fan so here goes:

TJ also recorded a 2nd video using the Maxduino Ultimate to load up a game on a Timex 1000 machine:

A nice but honest review from the Retro Shack of the 48K+ ZXuitape which is an SD solution for a ZX Spectrum. If you need a solution that lets you load games into your ZX Spectrum 48K+ from an SD card this is the one. It screws into the speccy case to make it look like part of the speccy. ZXuitape comes in different models. This is the model for the ZX Spectrum 48K+. You can use it to load up games in tzx, p, o, or tap file format.

Nice video from Wayne Robbins who is a big-time ZX Spectrum vlogger in which he shows off multiple ZXuitape models which allow you to load games on ZX Spectrums from SD card. He had an issue with one which I later identified as a problem with the SD card Wayne was using. Also Wayne referred to them as a TZXduino which is not technically true. ZXuitape uses the MaxDuino firmware which is far superior. Wayne is awesome in the community so I’ll let him off this once 😉 If you want to buy one for yourself CLICK HERE